Saturday, January 12, 2008

The weekend is to freaking short, and football is overrated.

Weather: Photobucket
Music: Needle In The Hay- Elliott Smith

I mean really, it's already more then half over, whats the point of making it so short? Everyone wants it to be longer.

Anyways, you know how some people have life's? I'm stuck at home listening to my brother and dad watch football. I mean, I don't get the big deal with football. Like, there are starving kids in Africa and all anyone can care about is football, hell, there are starving kids here too, and starving old people. But for some reason all we can care about is football. I had had the Independence and I was allowed to make my own choices I'd choose to be doing something that makes some sort of progress, not sitting and watching football. I don't even see how it's interesting. It's so repetitive, there is absolutely no creativity involved in it. But thats just my silly little view on it.

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