Thursday, January 31, 2008

lets pray for a snow day

Music: The Man Who Sold The World- Nirvana

There is a winter storm warning again. Maybe if I’m really lucky there will be a snow day. Then I won't have to go swimming at school tomorrow, also I won't have to take the latin test that I will fail. I had to leave school early for a doctor’s appointment. Of course PE is first period so I still had that. PE is getting very hard to get out of, I think maybe I will need to "break" my foot. That might be hard. My mom might have her old crutches in the basement. I hate PE.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"high school will be better"

Music:none, my mother is sleeping.

You know how sometimes people lie to children just to get them to do what you want them to or to shut up? Well High School is one of the things people like to lie about. The interasting thing is, they can't make up their mind on what to say when lieing. First i'll get this rant about how hard high school will be and how we are all going to fail, then someone says "high school will be better" when you complain about everyone being boring.

I know that they seem to have to lie to us but I wish they'd at least do a better job lieing. I mean they need to make up their minds. Are they gonna scare us and tell us it's gonna suck or are they gonna tell us it will be great? I mean I'm not going to belive them anyway when they say it's gonna be great but there is no use in scaring the shit out of everyone. Are they like trying to make us suicidal or something? If they want us to work hard telling us we are all going to fail might not work. I mean if your going to fail anways why try?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I am The Walrus....

Music: Shooting Star- Elliott Smith

I have now discovered the joy of the song "I am The Walrus". Tis pretty wonderful. The weather is also less awful now. I also need a new quote for this week. I'm sadly to lazy. Tomorrow we have a "family get together". So that will be hell. I also have alot of homework, but i'm not going to think about all that shit right now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This Weather is Aweful

Music: You Know Your Right-Nirvana

So today at school a pipe bursted or something and some rooms got flooded. And then the heater started blowing cold air. So tonight it's gonna be like one degree with like -17 degree wind chills. And tomorrow the high is like 10. With like -20 degree wind chills. The wierd thing is it will get like 30 degrees warmer by monday.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Music: Coming Up Roses- Elliott Smith

Happy MLK day =)

So last night I didn't fall asleep until like 4am and then at like ten my mother walks into my room and is like "Jenna wanna go out to breakfest?" and I hear my brother moms boyfriends kids in the backround and i'm like "no" and then she gets all shocked. I mean if i woke her up when she was having sleeping issues and finally fell asleep she whouldn't want to go out to breakfest.

I also need to do homework. Why do they give us that over weekends?

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Music: Jacksonville-Sufjan Stevens

So yesterday it was like 3 degrees. -20 With wind chill. It's really odd when you go downtown cause then steam comes out of all the sewers and stuff. It's also very cold in this house. There is frost INSIDE near the door. I guess we need insolation. Luckily it will warm up by tomorrow (25 degrees lol). I'm normally not that bad with the cold. I'd rather it be -2 degrees then 115 degrees.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Home Sick

Music: I Belive In Symmetry- Bright Eyes

So last night when browseing last fm I found the reason that It wasn't playing Sufjan Stevens
"Sufjan Stevens isn’t yet available to play on "

OIC, yes I'm slow.

So I'm home "sick" today (you know how as soon as you call in and say your not going to school you feel better?.) I havn't showered in three days, The heater keeps going on and off and our house keeps switching from about 55 degrees to about 77 degrees. And It's gonna be really cold tomorrow, like we even get this awesome cold icon on the NWS.

isn't it pretty? I wonder why the asshole is walking in the cold, he should be inside. Perhaps he is a Minnisotan and is used to the cold weather.

I'm off to go make myself some miso soup, being "sick" is so fun.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lack of updates due to boringness of my everyday life

Music:Uptight- Green Day

Today is Thursday, Something really bad always happens on Thursday, I'm exspecting a blizzard to come or something, I mean last time I cheaked it was snowing.

I don't feel very good also, I think I might be coming down with something. I wish i'd get sick on the weekdays so i chould at least miss school. PE has been very aweful. We are doing dance, I mean if we wanted to dance we would take a dance class. Yesterday the music was like something about "sunshine". FYI thats slang for herorin, so teachniclly thats not school appropreite.

last FM is still being mean, still no Sufjan =(.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Overrated Stuff

Weather: Weather: Photobucket
Music: Drain You- Nirvana

Speaking of overrated things… here are some more

This is just my opinion, please don’t be offended. I don’t even know why I’m posting this. I was in an rather angry mood.

Abercrombie and fitch: I mean not only are the cloths utterly boring, but they are also overpriced and everything says “Abercrombie” on it so your pretty much a walking advertisement. It’s also degrading to woman.

Myspace: so you go around posting pics of yourself at unnecessarily odd angles. Then you run around saying “OmgZZ Add M3!111” to everyone without getting to know them.

Warm Weather: what’s so great about it? Like I know being cold is fun but it’s not fun when it’s 95 degrees either. You get all sweaty, and then the sun beats down on you and you get dehydrated. Also you can bundle up when its cold, but you can’t really do anything to cool off with cloths, except for strip, but that’s illegal.

Being “normal”: Everyone puts so much effort into not being weird and fitting in, seriously, everyone just becomes so boring. If we where all our own person it would be so much easier.

The Last Harry Potter Book: ok, like if my friends are reading this they will probably shoot me. I’m not saying I don’t like Harry Potter, it’s a creative idea, It’s well written. But It’s not as great as it’s made out to be. The ending was so predictable, of course something bad would happen to him and scare you, but in the end it would all be ok. It would be a lot more interesting if he got murdered and everyone died or something. I mean sad? Yeah, but still it’s just so predictable.

Southern California: everyone is all “OmGz LA!!1111” or whatever. Personally I think it’s not that great. It’s really polluted, like there is always smog. It’s also really dry, I mean sunny is nice but then there are fires that kill everything in there path every year. The only reason everyone likes it is because it’s the center of the film industry.

Life in general: so like, you are born and then you die. Woopie.

The weekend is to freaking short, and football is overrated.

Weather: Photobucket
Music: Needle In The Hay- Elliott Smith

I mean really, it's already more then half over, whats the point of making it so short? Everyone wants it to be longer.

Anyways, you know how some people have life's? I'm stuck at home listening to my brother and dad watch football. I mean, I don't get the big deal with football. Like, there are starving kids in Africa and all anyone can care about is football, hell, there are starving kids here too, and starving old people. But for some reason all we can care about is football. I had had the Independence and I was allowed to make my own choices I'd choose to be doing something that makes some sort of progress, not sitting and watching football. I don't even see how it's interesting. It's so repetitive, there is absolutely no creativity involved in it. But thats just my silly little view on it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Things I must do over the weekend (for own use)

Music: To Be Alone With You- Sufjan Stevens

1. find new reading material
2. research candidates and make final decision
3. eat real food and not just snack on cookies and ice cream
4. math homework
5. Latin homework
6. write long rant on something
7. come up with list of names to use in storeys
8. finish collage before it gets thrown away