Friday, February 20, 2009

Its always sad to see a gifted musician sell out.

Obviously the vast majority of songs receiving airplay are completely unoriginal commericalized music made solely for the intent of profit rather then artistic expression. So obviously if i was to get upset every time i heard commericalized crap music i would have already killed myself by now. Of course its natural for me to be upset when i see a musician i find gifted and/or who's work i admire get sucked in to the contemporary pop scene. Luckily for me most of my favorite bands are anti sell outs. Whether its Pearl Jam suing Ticketmaster or Nirvana intentionally making a less radio friendly follow up to Nevermind my thoughts on bands I like's actions regarding corporations and such are normally "Cool" or "YEAH! GO TAKE THOSE TICKETMASTER/RIAA/CLEAR CHANNEL MOTHERFUCKERS DOWN!" (it rarely works unfortunately.)

Unfortunately this is far from the situation of Ex.Soundgaden/Audioslave front man Chris i think im a fucking r&b singer now Cornell. He is working with timberlund or
whatever the guy who makes Justin Timberlakes albums is named. When i first heard this i didnt know who timberlund was but it sounded bad. At the time i just though "oh well lets remember his work in soundgarden/temple of the dog." Nice optimistic thought, that will work right? No.

Now whenever i try to watch a Pearl Jam video on YouTube or look up an Alice In Chains song lyric i get a big advertisement with a face that is only recognizable as Chris Cornell because of his stupid mustache(honestly i hate that mustache). It is like "LISTEN TO CHRIS CORNELLS SHIT NEW SONG HERE YOU KNOW BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOKING UP ALICE IN CHAINS JUST LIKE TIMBERLUND AND STUFF!!!" its like a big in your face thing. So I decided to do myself a favor and not listen to it. That worked for about a month or so.

See traditionally you have to listen to something before you announce it as shit. Because if i said it sucks and someone used the classic "have you even heard it?" comeback i would have had to lie. So i listened to it for about 10 seconds


I mean i'm all for musical experimentation and stuff. I'm ok with the fact that former Bikini Kill singer Kathleen Hanna is in some disco feminist electronic punk band now. I enjoyed Eddie Vedders more folky soundtrack for Into The Wild. Fuck im even starting to gain most of the respect back that i lost for Jerry Cantrell when i saw a video of him playing with Nickelback.But this is just shit, Its sad really. It dosn't sound like him.

So i just needed to get that out, on a lighter note....

Happy birthday to Kurt Cobain, he'd be 42. He's up celebrating his birthday with Layne Staley,John Lennon,Andy Wood and Elliott Smith (who has forgiven him for Courtney love chasing his friend down an alley or whatever).


Anonymous said...

HI, you make some very strong points which I would agree with in the main but commercialisation of music is nothing new. Even the classical composers had to earn a crust. But here's the thing: you should enjoy the music for what it is. If an artists is trying to reach a wider audience through a new big deal just listen to their old stuff and be less angry. :)

Kat said...

Hehe actually I also hate his moustache. And I listened to this song for about 30 seconds... I win at patience! lol