Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stop it with this fucking twilight stuff.

The author failed to keep her religious and political views out of the books. In the 4th book the chick gets pregnant with a half-vampire child that nearly kills her during the pregnancy, but she refuses to have an abortion.

Bella never considers doing anything with her life, the only thing she wants to do is Edward and his house chores. Ok so they have one female character that is a tool that would be ok because in real life many people are tools. To bad all the female characters are tools. None of them have independent personalities. Rosalies life is ruined because she dosnt have a kid,Esme does absolutely nothing, Alice is a bimbo etc. And all of them have boyfriends who are stronger and more capable of everything then them.

The Edward dude is also emotionally abusive. Edward is this strong rich jerky dude with a big ego and he treats his girlfriend like shit and controls her and she thinks its attractive. He tells Bella that she is irresistible so he cant control himself and if he does something bad its her fault. She isn’t with him for 3 months and she tries to kill herself. Whenever Bella gets in trouble Edward saves her. She has no way to defend herself from anything.
Now please remember that most kids who read twilight are around 8-15. You probably know how insecure and obsessive middle school aged kids can be. Here are some examples on how twilight feeds on this…(thanks to urban dictionary)

“Edward Cullen:
1. a walking orgasm. yumm :]
2. only the sexiest man ever
3. major hottie
4. my boyfriend
omg, it's Edward Cullen! *faints* “

“That vampire that dazzles people. All the guys are jelous of him, and all the girls are obbsesed with him. He sets an extremly high expectation for girls looking for guys. “

“the most awesome person ever! Sexiest Vampire alive... well, er existing. The love of my life! Sweet, sensitive, kind, hott, and beyond perfection!
Every woman alive should be in love with Edward Cullen! “

Hmmm really makes you wonder what kind of role models 10 year olds have….


Anonymous said...

LOL, you actually read it?

Polexia said...

yeah like five pages because my friends were like "OMG U HAVE TO READ IT IT IS SOOOO GOOOD!!!1"