anyway here are some things i did NOT do in the past few weeks....
1.Stick gum on Chris Cornells face in a waiting room magizene.
2.Go six days without showering.
3.Spend 37 bucks on markers.
4.Break the promise i made to myself that i wouldn't buy a Soundgarden cd at a chain store because I am mad at Chris Cornell.
5.Ask someone to get like 10 cds worth of underground grunge/alternative songs for me in a way that i dont know is legal.
6.Spit inside on the floor several times.
7.Put hand sanitizer in my hair because i didn't feel like washing it.
8.go throgh like 200 peices of gum in one week
9.Not do everyday things like answer the door or phone because i was to lazy to get up.
10.Used the phrase Douche Bag thousends of times in the past few days.
Those are all immature,inresponable,rude,strange and innapporate things to do.
I did however get moved into slow math and it is so easy and i love it. The only problem is as soon as i got used to it they told me i will go back to normal math next year so i can spend like 3 hours on math every night. But out of the like 20 kids only like seven are left in the normal math class because the teachers suck so much.
I also just relized that technicly Alice In Chains and Soundgarden are metal bands which technicly makes me a regular metal listener and that is actually kind of a problem because i have never really got alot of things about metal like why metalheads always have weird beards or why they need so many subgenres.
I mean i'm all for dressing weird and stuff but the beards metal heads/bands have are ridiculas.

I mean that is really unnessasary. The only, i repet ONLY person who can pull off a goatee is Layne Staley and he is dead.

So tomorrow we have no school because of some polish dude with horses or something yay.
Facial hair separates the men from the boys... and women.
"i'm all for dressing weird"
You can walk around with an excessively long goatee, but you can't walk around dressed like a member of Slipknot.. unless it's Halloween.
Nice corner you got here though lol
And let's not forget Layne's goatee in Them Bones with the beads. I would hate it on anyone but him.
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