Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Time to find corupt guy to replace Blagojevich and get arrested later

So our govener has finnally been caught for his douchebaggery. Big shock no not really this is Illinois. Yes between all those exsplicitives the news blocks out he was saying he was doing something illegil. (funny how they block out profanity but dont give warnings for graphicly detailed violence on tv, I guess they go by the WalMart ethic thats its ok to shoot people as long as no one says any bad words.)

But you know what? I finnally figured out my problem. I try to hard. See this weekend i decided to study for my math test which i dont normally do. I get it back and I have a 26% thats the lowest grade i have gotten in like 5 years. Now i whould LOVE to not care and be able to get on with my life, that whould be much easyer. Sadly I have been slightly effected by the system.

Now I know they say caring is better because then you can make something of yourself if you get good grades. Well you know what most of the kids who get good grades and shit grow up to be?...Buisness men/woman, corporate lawyers,CEOs etc. Those people make nothing of themselfs, they just sit at an office and support corperations, how is that any better then sitting at home and smoking pot all day?

It's a loose-loose situation really.

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