Thursday, December 4, 2008

How very very ironic

So at school we are learning about greek philosophers and as soon as the unit started the first thing i thought was "this is ironic". See the greek philosophers all thought differently, something not encouraged in schools. We are all supposed to think alike. In fact i wouldn't even use the word think because thinking results in knowledge, and knowledge technically means understanding and analyzing the world around you, which is also not encouraged.

See in school we dont learn to learn. It works more like this....

memorizing gets good, good grades are not important because they show you have picked up knowledge they are only there for making the school look good and getting into good school. A good school of course is not a school where people challenge the system and think creatively, a good school is a school that costs a lot and gives you a lot of busywork and of course ranks high because the students there can all afford private tutors and dont have to work a job. Then after your done with school now that you have a peace of paper called a degree that determends your worth in society you can get a job, ideal jobs would be working for a cooperation or being a lawyer who represents cooperate organizations. These jobs will pay a lot and that some how makes you happy in life.

but thats probably not what Socrates thought. So why are we learning this? well because freshman learning philosophy makes the school look good. Not because it's interesting, infact they didnt do a very good job draining the interesting parts out of it. See these philosophers would be taught by other philosophers and sometimes DISAGREE with what their teachers said. That in modern times would most likely result in a bad grade.

oh look my grandmother is being racist, how come it's ok for old people to be racist? like john McCain used ethic slurs when talking about asians but when Michelle Obama said "whitey" or something everyone went ballistic..... that was off topic

Anyways i got extended detention for going on yahoo music when i was done with my school work. It was rather boring.

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