Friday, April 11, 2008

Stuff that has happened to me in the past few weeks

Music:Backwater-Meat Puppets

Stuff has been happening. Here are some examples

1. I tryed to use a tampon but it wouldn't go in and it hurt, also if i use it i might get tss according to the tampon box, whatever tss is.

2. My teachers now like to tell me i look grunge.

3. I have made my decision about what I'm going to do for a living, i'm going to be a hippie.

4. I have begun to delete all of the Fall Out Boy and MCR from my ipod, therefor making my music taste really great.

5. the sky is really dark but it's not raining, i think it's constipated,

6. i have decided that makeup is stupid and now only use it on formal occasions.

7. I am banned from contacting my online friends.

I am also getting quite sick of these cute pink smileys, i am going to go find a better set of smileys.

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