Saturday, April 26, 2008


Music:Silver- Nirvana

ok so, my mom works and is a single mom and she naps in all of her free time so she dosn't have time to do laundry alot. So i do it for her sometimes. So she comes into my room all pissed that i did her laundry cuz it's in a basket and not folded. Apperantly something bad happens if you don't fold them. So she comes into my room and starts yelling and takes all her stuff and i'm like "ok i am sorry for being nice i will just let the cloths be all shit".

Last night in stormed real loud. It poured to and we were drving in it and you chouldn't see anything. My brother took cool videos of the lightning but of course he lost them somehow and got real pissed. I mean we will have alot more storms we live in the fucking midwest.

I was also sick for like 4 days and i was to sick and tierd to do homework so now i will be way behind on my projects. My mom is supposed to take this survey i am doing for school to work and survey people but she keeps forgetting. I also choose a very hard topic to reaserch and we are not allowed to use wikipedia and that is rather cruel.

Photobucket also won't let me upload the video i made. It's layout also changes like every week and it's annoying.

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