Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pearl Jam is the last band i thought would do this.


I cannot believe this, am i reading this wrong? How can Pearl Jam be in an ad for a big corporation? I mean they just said they are gonna release their new album independently, so i assumed they were on the anti corporate road, and now this. I mean ok i can understand why they would want to get their music "out there" but honestly, this really upsets me. These are the guys who sued and boycotted ticketmaster even though it ruined their career for a few years, these are the guys who refused to make music videos. Now this, this just goes against what they stand for. I always had so much faith in them not doing the same thing as Chris Cornell. I have always thought "Eddie may be preachy and have way to many rants onstage about politics,but at least we know they wont kiss corporate ass". I mean i could imagine a lot of bands doing this, but this is upsetting to me, just because it goes against everything they stand for. And now I'm scared, what if they do take the Chris Cornell path? Someone please tell me that this is a joke, someone please tell me i am reading this wrong.


Jtrip said...

I think this is different. Without a label, the band needs to pay for distribution and printing and such all on their own. Through signing a deal with Target, they can do this (The whole process costs a LOT). It is not like they are selling out, they are simply trying to make it possible to release their music.

Jtrip said...

And they definitely won't go Cornell. I can assure that. not only is it completely against them, but they sell fine enough already. This should not influence their music, and I am sure Eddie would not let target censor it.

Anonymous said...

All Cornell's done is release some music that not all his old fans liked - reforming Soundgarden and doing a pathetic nostalgia tour would have been selling out!! He's done nothing to be ashamed of and neither have Pearl Jam. The old way of doing things is dying and corporate sponsorship is the only way most bands can continue to get music out.

Jtrip said...

No, Cornell definitely sold out.