Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Purpose of assignment: to get a good grade on this so then I can get into AP classes which looks good on college applications and not sleep or have any free time to pursue my own interests which the school system falsely assumes include smoking pot and having unprotected sex so then I can get into a “good” college not as in a good one for encouraging creative thought but one that costs a lot and gives tons of busy work so then after college I can get a good job which means not a job I enjoy but one that pays a lot so then I can make a lot of money and supposedly this will make me happy.

I am sorry that i didn't choose Woodrow Wilson (who was actually a white supremicist), Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford or some establishment figure like that to write a paper on. I have a feeling they are going to give me a hard time about this. I would just rather write about a radical cokehead who tryed to use phycic powers to lift the pentagon, nominated a pig for president, and sent joints to random people.

And im so sorry if i forget something super important like a comma or adding an E to some word that has no good reason to include an E. I know that is much more important then the actual content of the paper.

And i would also like to apoligise to socitey for my messy unevenly cut hair, non perkey personality, rejection of joining fads like twilight or scene kids, unpopularity, tendency to repet stuff, dislike of most modern mainstream music, stong opinions, uglyness, lack of charisma, obsession with grunge music, bad spelling skills, and hatered of what is most likely one of most people my ages favorite bands.

I just needed to get that out. Thank you and have a nice evening and enjoy the nice weather before the bugs invade.

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