Monday, January 19, 2009

What we can learn from MLK

So we are not supposed to do things that pisses the goverment off. You know if Marten Luther King followed that rule we'd probably still have legal segregation? Now we honor him with a holiday but the goverment really wasnt to fond of him in the 60s. Now if we never broke the rules...

Women whouldn't be able to vote
We'd be a monarcy
Blacks whouldn't be able to vote
Children whould be legally working full time in sweatshops in the US
Rock and Roll whould be illegil
Booze whould be illegil
We'd all be living in briton or something.

oh look and now the goverment is GLAD MLK broke the rules because the goverment actually relised that in the 60s they where being total dicks so they actually honered him with a holiday. So if we never REBELLED the world whould be even more of an unfair shithole.

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