Sunday, May 25, 2008

New ipod


Music:Oh, The Guilt- Nirvana

so I got a new ipod, It is the new nano and it plays videos, but they take up alot of space. It will be nice for the airplane ride to PORTLAND OREGON IN TWO WEEKS!!!!! :)

So tommorow is memorial day. I think all the dead people whould rather us not have it, It is now a corperate holiday so stores can put up memorial day sales, So the people are talking advantage of it. Not really respectful to the people who died for this country.

It's finally warm out, of course it will thunderstorm and bring a cold front. The heat has not been bad at all so far, Last year it was 80 degrees in march! (of course then it snowed in april)

So my new favorite person to make fun of is Axl Rose. Hence the fact that I have also began to find amusement in pissing of Guns N Roses fans. (but if someone likes the band you'd think they whouldn't like Axl, he killed his own band) I know this is probably not the most healthy thing to find amusement in but I just find it fun, It's like my version of going to the mall.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My ipod has died

Music: Almost Cut My Hair- Crosby, Stills & Nash.

A few mounths ago i told myself if my ipod ever broke i whould be really really sad. Well a few days ago the battery died so i decided I would go get some cds. I found a nice local used record store. I origannly wanted to get two of the following albums

XO- Elliott Smith
Meat Puppets 2- Meat Puppets
Lifted or The Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground- Bright Eyes (why such a short title?)

The CD store had about every cd exsept for those. So i got A Pearl Jam cd and a Screaming Trees CD. For some reason Bright Eyes was in "underground rock" I whouldn't call Bright Eyes underground, I mean i know Green Day fans (other then myself) that listen to Bright Eyes. The ipod battery is like 50 bucks so i will have to wait. But I have been doing fine.

I am supposed to be doing homework right now, but I had to give my Mom her mothers day presents first, then i went on the computer and began editing my five page essay, But of course then my brother yells "THERE IS A THING ON HIPPIES ON TV" and obv. I had the watch the two hour thing on hippies that was on, which i found to be a bit negitive. And now i have to post on this beacuase I do not have family members that want to listen to me rant about what is going on in my life.

The stupid pink smileys are also back for a period of time due to lack of other smileys i can find.