Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My music teacher hates us

Music: St. Ides Heaven- Elliott Smith

So like my music teacher has some wierd thing agianst us and she always tells us we can't sing. And now she is making come during art class to practice. She also likes to single us out, but mostly the ones who can sing. Now she is mad at us for not singing loud enouth, I mean if you tell kids they can't sing then they are not going to sing loud obv. So now we have to preform infront of like 20 people and it makes me real sad.

On lighter not i also got new flannels and i look quite ~grunge~ only now other people are wereing them cuz they are fashionable now and this makes me sad. Maybe grunge is coming back

also I'm pretty sure i'm marrying this man

yes he is going to fall in love with me when i meet him

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Big C”- Community or Conformity?

Music: Things behind the Sun- Nick Drake

The school I attend is very “community” based. Many of the rules that most of the students find unnecessary are apparently for the “community” or “the big C”. No ipods, no cell phones at lunch, etc. All because we are supposed to socialize. Now I have no problem with people socializing, my problem is some people are not always in the mood to “socialize”. Or sometimes people are not with their friends at the moment. Today at lunch my friends all went to the social studies room to catch up on their projects. So I sat alone, I am a quick eater so for about 15 minutes I sat and did nothing. Meanwhile the kids who are the ideal members of the community all giggled and screamed and made stupid jokes. Interestingly enough, the kids who are more active members of the “community” are more likely to talk in class, cheat on their “boyfriends” or “girlfriends”, and have trouble working in groups because they just want to gossip the whole time.

A few weeks ago we had those anti drug people come. The presentation was ridicules for the same reasons they always are, they give you no reasons not to do drugs they just tell you to “say no”, they over dramatize the social pressure, and they try to be “cool”. However, there was one part that was rather interesting, they asked for students to come up and act out a situation with them. About seven girls came up, in the scene one girl was trying to get her friend to drink and said to all the kids “see it’s good, try it!” all of the “cool” kids nervously giggled and tried it, but my friend said “no you guys are stupid, I’m going to leave and if you get caught that’s not my problem.” Afterwards they asked “now would you really drink?” and of course they all said no but I am pretty sure that a few unnamed people in that group would.

Now if you think about it, we are supposed to do what the “community” does. I know the teachers don’t intend to include stuff like drinking, but when kids are used to “following the community” they will probably not take the time to pause and think about what they are doing, they will just follow. Maybe regret it later, but they can’t go back in time. Another example is a few days ago kids were using the music room without permission. When the teachers asked them why they said “everyone else was there so I thought it was ok”. They are simply used to following the community, that’s the way their minds have been trained.

Of course I’m not saying outgoing people are all mindless conformists, but I am thinking perhaps because they want acceptance from their peers so much they are more likely to follow them in whatever they do, both good and bad. Perhaps we should be taught to follow what we think is the right thing to do instead of following the “community” because they could very well be doing something we are not supposed to do or something that isn’t a very good idea.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Flannels" for 60 dollers?

Music:Overblown- Mudhoney

The Past two days I have been home sick. When I get sick I don't get so sick that i can't walk or anything. Therefor I am catching up on my 90s project, which is going quite well. With the 90s on my mind I have been listening to some grunge music thats not Nirvana. Thats quite new to me. I never tryed it before due to the fact that people said "other grunge is just screaming, Nirvana has talent". I found that to be quite untrue. Screamo is just screaming, I don't get that genre. Oh look "wake me up when september ends" has just came on Nirvanas similer artists radio on Thats a bit odd.

Anyways this weekend my dad dragged me into sears and I found a flannel for 10 bucks in the mens department. So I bought it and wore it with my Nirvana shirt and old converses to a family party to see if my Grandmother would cry. She didn't notice. The next day I was at forever 21 buying earrings and I saw "flannels" for like 60 bucks. Apperantly "flannel" is in again. See I don't like trends, but I really don't like trends if it's something I did first or that was something I was fond of (ex. hating the goverment,listening to music that has never been on the charts,). So now it's like all these kids my age are running around going "OMgZz ThIS FLAnNeL tHiNg WOulD lOoK sO HaWt wItH mY NeWz AbErCrOMbe JeaNs!!111". Meanwhile i'm there with my 10 doller flannel from the mens department and i'm thinking "fuck you, I have a real flannel"

Basicly what i'm trying to say is.
A. can't the trend followers just stick with there little abercrombie cloths instead of ruining all that is good?
B. Why pay 60 bucks for something thats supposed to be cheap
C. Why is the fashion industry full of tools?

Monday, March 3, 2008

long time no post

Music:World Wide Suicide- Pearl Jam

Happy Pulaski Day, if you don't know what that is you probably don't live in Illinois. Therefor, consider yourself lucky.

i honestly forget I had a blog. Anyway my life hasn't been quite exiteing. I have a new hobby though, painting. I suck very much at it. I also have became increasingly sensitive to noise. Green Day has also moved out of my top ten, i'm quite proud of that. Last fm is being a bitch and it won't update charts, I find this very rude.