Friday, September 25, 2009

lots of stuff

My computer has been acting really strange lately, it keeps getting these viruses. My antivirus sucks so i cant remove some of them and it has like 300 cookies and is really slow.i got a new one but i have no idea how to set it up and i don't know how to get my itunes into it. My dad at least figured how to get this one temporarily working.

For the first time in my life i am actually showing some interest in boys. I actually thought i was a lesbian for a while in 7th grade but then i realized i dont like chicks ether. Sadly the guys at my school are mostly douchy and some of them still havn't finished puberty (They are like 15 wtf is taking them so long). I dont think they like me either because when they act douchy i get irritated with them and i dont look like Megan Fox who is apparently like a shrine for teenage boys who are just starting to grow facial hair.

Most of the rocker kids or the artsy kids are juniors and seniors and they smoke before and after school. I know this because when i take the bus i see a bunch of people with like ramones shirts and mohawks or guys with long hair smoking when i am walking to where to bus stops. My friend (or maybe i can refer to her as an ex friend because its impossible to keep in touch with people who you don't have classes/lunch with at my school because its so freaking big) hangs out with them even though she overdoes the whole skater thing, listens to normal pop music, and is convinced she can't wear skirts because it will make her unfeminist or something. I In a way i wish i was older but i am actually scared to death of Junior year with all the tests and stuff. The annoying thing is last year there were some cool sophomores and they told me they liked my AIC shirt and stuff but this year the kids are still like they where last year. I guess my grade is just boring.

Apparently we are supposed to start thinking of colleges now which is strange because that is kind of supposed to be a junior year thing,actually last year they told us to think about in. If i remember right they actually asked me what college i want to go to in 7th grade and i was just like "WTF IM NOT EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL YET!" i bet by the time my generation is having kids they will have have like a college and career guy at the ultrasound thingy saying like "Hmm, i think this looks like a Harvard baby. Ok next is baby #20194572, well this baby should definitely look into applying for university of Wisconsin. Ok and baby number #20194573, well i hate to break it to you ma'am but your baby looks kind of dim, at best he will be able to get into a community college." Its like everyone wants genious babys and you see all this advertisements for things like teaching a 2 year old how to read. My moms sisters were over a couple of months ago and they have like 2-11 year olds and they where like "Oh Laura are your kids on the honor role? Its like we havn't even gotten our my child is an honor student bumper stickers yet its ridiculous. Oh Julie i'm so glad your sending your kids to a catholic school because if they go to a public school they will do drugs and evil things like that." Honestly its so stupid. I feel like i am rebelling against my social class/suburban household just by typing "dont" instead of "don't".

Thats all i feel like typing. 3 day weekend this week so im going to clean out my backpack and go though useless junk i forgot i had in my room.


Kat said...

Haha I was 2 when I started to read. No seriously. And i still don't know what's my orientation. I don't like boys and I don't like girls, too. And, wow, I doubt someone in our school even knows who Ramones or AiC are... The people in our school are so fucking boring.

Jtrip said...

They are asking you about college already? I am in the same grade, and it has barely been mentioned. What do you want to major in? I am considering journalism, photography, some sort of art, marine bio, or Music. But if I am good enough by senior year at my guitar and singing, I may not go XD