Friday, February 20, 2009

Its always sad to see a gifted musician sell out.

Obviously the vast majority of songs receiving airplay are completely unoriginal commericalized music made solely for the intent of profit rather then artistic expression. So obviously if i was to get upset every time i heard commericalized crap music i would have already killed myself by now. Of course its natural for me to be upset when i see a musician i find gifted and/or who's work i admire get sucked in to the contemporary pop scene. Luckily for me most of my favorite bands are anti sell outs. Whether its Pearl Jam suing Ticketmaster or Nirvana intentionally making a less radio friendly follow up to Nevermind my thoughts on bands I like's actions regarding corporations and such are normally "Cool" or "YEAH! GO TAKE THOSE TICKETMASTER/RIAA/CLEAR CHANNEL MOTHERFUCKERS DOWN!" (it rarely works unfortunately.)

Unfortunately this is far from the situation of Ex.Soundgaden/Audioslave front man Chris i think im a fucking r&b singer now Cornell. He is working with timberlund or
whatever the guy who makes Justin Timberlakes albums is named. When i first heard this i didnt know who timberlund was but it sounded bad. At the time i just though "oh well lets remember his work in soundgarden/temple of the dog." Nice optimistic thought, that will work right? No.

Now whenever i try to watch a Pearl Jam video on YouTube or look up an Alice In Chains song lyric i get a big advertisement with a face that is only recognizable as Chris Cornell because of his stupid mustache(honestly i hate that mustache). It is like "LISTEN TO CHRIS CORNELLS SHIT NEW SONG HERE YOU KNOW BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOKING UP ALICE IN CHAINS JUST LIKE TIMBERLUND AND STUFF!!!" its like a big in your face thing. So I decided to do myself a favor and not listen to it. That worked for about a month or so.

See traditionally you have to listen to something before you announce it as shit. Because if i said it sucks and someone used the classic "have you even heard it?" comeback i would have had to lie. So i listened to it for about 10 seconds


I mean i'm all for musical experimentation and stuff. I'm ok with the fact that former Bikini Kill singer Kathleen Hanna is in some disco feminist electronic punk band now. I enjoyed Eddie Vedders more folky soundtrack for Into The Wild. Fuck im even starting to gain most of the respect back that i lost for Jerry Cantrell when i saw a video of him playing with Nickelback.But this is just shit, Its sad really. It dosn't sound like him.

So i just needed to get that out, on a lighter note....

Happy birthday to Kurt Cobain, he'd be 42. He's up celebrating his birthday with Layne Staley,John Lennon,Andy Wood and Elliott Smith (who has forgiven him for Courtney love chasing his friend down an alley or whatever).

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stop it with this fucking twilight stuff.

The author failed to keep her religious and political views out of the books. In the 4th book the chick gets pregnant with a half-vampire child that nearly kills her during the pregnancy, but she refuses to have an abortion.

Bella never considers doing anything with her life, the only thing she wants to do is Edward and his house chores. Ok so they have one female character that is a tool that would be ok because in real life many people are tools. To bad all the female characters are tools. None of them have independent personalities. Rosalies life is ruined because she dosnt have a kid,Esme does absolutely nothing, Alice is a bimbo etc. And all of them have boyfriends who are stronger and more capable of everything then them.

The Edward dude is also emotionally abusive. Edward is this strong rich jerky dude with a big ego and he treats his girlfriend like shit and controls her and she thinks its attractive. He tells Bella that she is irresistible so he cant control himself and if he does something bad its her fault. She isn’t with him for 3 months and she tries to kill herself. Whenever Bella gets in trouble Edward saves her. She has no way to defend herself from anything.
Now please remember that most kids who read twilight are around 8-15. You probably know how insecure and obsessive middle school aged kids can be. Here are some examples on how twilight feeds on this…(thanks to urban dictionary)

“Edward Cullen:
1. a walking orgasm. yumm :]
2. only the sexiest man ever
3. major hottie
4. my boyfriend
omg, it's Edward Cullen! *faints* “

“That vampire that dazzles people. All the guys are jelous of him, and all the girls are obbsesed with him. He sets an extremly high expectation for girls looking for guys. “

“the most awesome person ever! Sexiest Vampire alive... well, er existing. The love of my life! Sweet, sensitive, kind, hott, and beyond perfection!
Every woman alive should be in love with Edward Cullen! “

Hmmm really makes you wonder what kind of role models 10 year olds have….

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I have already explained how these people are boring so now i have to explain why they also have low self esteem.

Arrogant sons of bitches run the world. Of course this isn't just an adult thing.When people think of arrogant teens they think of the popular ditz who gets all the boys/girls. Thats actually not a description that fits most kids with big egos. One thing i think people need to know that ego and self esteem are two different things. I know you hear "oh those kids who are popular are insecure." They probably are, most teenagers are. There is another group of people who are probably insecure. Those kids who are obsessed over their grades, why? because they must think they need to have As to assure themselves they are good.

Yesterday one of my teachers read a quote that said something like "Do not rest until your good is better and your better is best." They asked us what we thought the quote meant and I said "it means you should never just be happy with yourself and you should just keep obsessing over all your flaws." Apparently that was a negative interpretation but that is actually a literal interpretation of it.

I have a friend who does kind of poorly in school, actually she kind of sucks at getting good grades and stuff. But socially she is not someone to mess with. When a guy told her she had no tits she choked him and his face turned red, then she let go of him and said "please dont do that". Today at lunch someone else said something rude to her and she kicked him in the balls. That might be called mean but i call it rebelling against gender roles. That is not something someone with no passion or self esteem would do. Someone with no self esteem would just stuff their bras the next day. But according to my teachers people who dont do well in school have no passion or self esteem. I dont really understand that because i think people with low self esteem are the ones who think they needs a certain GPA to be successful. Now i have nothing against people who want to get into a good college to LEARN but most of those people who want to get into Harvard or Yale want to because it leads to a high paying job. Most of the people who are stereotypical nerds who love learning actually dont do very well in classes.

I am also well aware that my last four or so rants have been about this so if the imaginary people who read my blog are getting sick of it they will be happy to know my next rant will probably be about how their should be more girls in rock music or how pot should be legal or another one about how bad music is now.