Thursday, November 27, 2008

"sheesh Obama won but you can still never stop complaining"


Dont really i still have plenty of complaints

So i spent like 6 hours on an outline for a paper you know outlines are supposed to not take as long as the paper itself.

I want my free dr. pepper whats left of Guns N Roses relesed their cd and dr. pepper said everyone in america whould get a dr pepper and they where not being honest apperantly because first of all you needed internet acsess not everyone has internet. Also the server crashed so like no one chould get there coupons. Apperantly Axl Roses lawyer is mad at them so maybe he will sue and i wont have too haha. Like do you autamaticly get a lawyer when you sign with a major label they all have lawyers sheesh.

So you know i was in the bathroom at school a few weeks ago and i saw this poster for honors club after school i mean what the fuck is that like you just sit there
"I'm in honors"
"really? me too"
"wow bob i'm in the honor roll too!"
"thats such a coincadence we are all in honors!"
I mean its not like honors kids dont have equal rights or something, everyone thinks they are like the stars of the world. I hate those bumper stickers its like "my child is an honor role student" well maybe your child cheats on his/her tests or plagerizes his/her papers or pays a really smart person to do homework for him/her or bribes the teachers or something. Like what about the parent of the dyslexic kid behind you who's kid trys really hard but cant get really good grades becuase the system isn't disigned in the way that they can get the same oppertunates.
You know what else, you get into honor role by getting good grades, that means you can take classes way below your level just to get good grades.
So i decided i'd make a not honors club to show them how pointless their club is.
But then they put me in honor role (i know you really cant tell with my grammer/spelling haha), so there goes anouther great idea.

I mean i dont know how i even got on I guess i am one of the like 6 kids in my humanites class who normally does there homework. See our school is supposed to have this mixed honors kids because apperantly if you put average scoring kids with high scoring kids they normal scoring kids will be like "oh i want to be like these higher scoring kids they are so great." But all the little honors parents where like "I DONT WANT MY KID WITH STUPID PEOPLE!!!!111" and now they all go to the PTSA mettings and bitch about it and the guy who is in charge of this shit who is like this smiley happy guy is probably just like "....k then." So like im probably one of the only kids in the honors whose parents arnt like going ballastic about it.

So i guess i'll admit i was a bit proud of my self for making the honor role but this is apperantly because when it comes to academics i have low self esteem. So by my goal being not to flunk out of school me making the honor role was a plesent suprise this is why i have to think ~negitively~ so i will be plesently supprised when something good happens and not schocked with dissapointment when something bad happens. But then my friends where like "I made the high honor role" which apperantly means they got all As or something i mean all A report cards seem fakeish.

Honors classes are stupid to though, just not as stupid as honor role. The classes are tottaly race segergated because where i live there are like no working class whites the only non rich area is like a working class black/latino area so all the white kids parents went to like law school or something so they insist there kids are put in honors so they will look like they have smart kids when talking with there lawyer/doctor friends. So there are shitloads of black/latino kids in normal classes who chould tottaly be in honors and vise versa.

Also I really whould love if people can stop talking about twighlight now

^my new obbsession i think

Monday, November 3, 2008

I used up your compassion,So I've come to make a trade,You can hate me but just love me in return.

I learned alot this weekend

1.If you see a concert on Halloween people do dress up

2.Real councerts involve drunk people, even if it's not hard/druggy rock

3.There is a dissapointing lack of diversity in holloween candys people give out.

4.My aunt gets really, really, mad with any talk of politics, even saying stuff like "I support Obama". Apperantly it's "not fair to the little ones." You know whats not fair to the little ones? not exsplaining and censoring everything that goes on in the world only to have them confused when they grow up.

5.Conor Oberst looks nice in a ghoast busters suit.

6.Tye Dyeing is really fun and you can make lots of cool things.

7.Cell phone camaras will not be able to take pics during a show

8.It is always worth waiting if you hate one of the opening bands(s).

9.Gas is cheaper in "real america"

10.Doing one really fun thing can make up for a shitty rest of the weekend.

So Friday was one of the best nights of my life, minus the part where kids think i am sad at school beacause I go to councerts by myself. Im sorry I dont want to see your shitty Fall Out Boy bands pretend to be the next Nirvana, It's really sad that I like good music and have my own taste.

I can honestly say i have never been to a real show before this, the enviroment of live music in generial is exsiting. I felt out of place, most of the people where college kids, but I look older. The first band wasn't really my kind of music, the second band was good. It's funny how exsited I got when he acctuelly got on the stage. It's honestly hard not to look like a 14 year old fan girl...oh shit wait....

The people near me where trying to steal the fig newtons from the guy infront of thems pocket. The people behind me where dressed up like rednecks with McCain Palin shirts. The band dressed up as ghoast busters, that was rather funny. Conor was drinking beer between every song and I was scared he'd be wasted by the end of the show. He might of been, but he still preformed well. My Dad, who was sitting in the back pretending not to know me, said that bands always drink on stage.

It was fucking great.

So then for a total change I spent a saturday night at.....A one year olds birthday party! where my aunt freaked out at me for mentioning politics. It is the week of the election for christs sake. Whats funny is my little cousins are mostly Obama supporters even though their parents are republicans. I'm still a bit upset with one of my cousins for useing my old doll to pick her nose but thats anouther story.My aunt also has a statue of a crying bunny in her yard, thats sad.

This may possibly be the most exicting week of my life, Obama is going to win. McCain whould have to win all the toss up states PLUS some of the Obama states. We will regain out respect in the world wide community, I wish I was allowed to stay up all night and watch it, although we have a half day tomorrow.