I found my brothers old gameboy and he let me start a new pokemon game. I am in the hoeen reagon for this game and the starter pokemon are Torchic, Treeko, and Mudkip. I wanted to get a torchic because they are my favorite but my brother made me get a mudkip for some dumb reason. Mudkips are cool to though, for all of you with lack of pokemon knowledge these are the 3.



Also if you hate Pokemon it is most likely because of the dumbass character Ash. He makes simple situations very complex and he is crap at catching and raising Pokemon and is obviously a fraud because
A. His pokemon know more then four attacks
B. His pokemon evolve in the middle of a battle
C. His Pikachus electric attacks effect rock pokemon
In fact if Ash Didn't have his pervert friend who is obviously a weirdo for hanging out with children all the time to help him he would probably be dead. Also Misty is way cooler then all ashes other girlfriends and the show has sucked sense they got rid of her. Team rocket should also win something for there determination. And Pikachu is a fat yellow wombat that Ash has enslaved. Speaking of wombats, apparently they got caused crop circles in Tasmania or something because they were eating the poppys grown and getting high and running around in circles.
And also RIP to Michael Jackson, although i cant say i was ever a fan and during my lifetime he has been known as a creep rather then a pop star. But he was talented.