Sunday, May 16, 2010

updating this is becoming a bit of a hassle. Im not sure yet if i will continue updating, especially because i have been keeping a written journal sense like February. I might still use this occasionally though. I'll probably post pictures from New Orleans here in the next week or so. If anyone would like to continue stalking me they can go to my tumblr.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yayyyy its about time my grades start sucking.

Havn't blogged in a while....
My grades suck now, and you know what? Thats fine. Fuck it.

Im failing science, because i was fucking sick and i cant make up all the fucking work right away. Well i could but im not dedicating my life to it. Im not even going to pretend to be like any of those little overachievers anymore, because even if i wanted to i couldn't keep up with them, so why should i pretend? I dont go to lunch anymore, i go to one of the art rooms, and its so much better, i dont have to listen to the same conversations about how hard physics is or how they are going to take 5 ap classes next year over and over again. One chick was complaining about being in honors history, instead of AP. Because shes taking AP math, science, English, and whatever fucking language she's in. Apparently thats not good enough. So by those standards im equivalent to a house fly with no legs that lives on a piece of dog shit. So i decided that hanging out with these kids next year will make me crazy, so i decided to find a new group of friends, its going pretty well, because i found people who are smart but not assholes about it.

And you know what the sad thing is? Some people think our school is ghetto, because its not ALL rich white kids of CEOs, only about half. And the other towns in the area are about 80-98% rich white kids of CEOs. Those people in those towns are fucking crazy. Like everyone is like that individual mentioned above with "only" 4 ap classes. Plus these kids use drugs like they are free samples of chocolates or something, because they have so much freakin money. These are the kinds of kids who have partys in their basements where everyone is on ecstasy and end up getting/giving a blow job, and their parents are upstairs and know whats going on and are just like "ohhhhh you crazy kids!" But anyways....

Also, i'm in this group at school for depressed kids, and one was talking about how hard her life is, and it actually is a situation that is difficult, it wasnt just like "oh i lost my phone" but your supposed to like give support to peers and this other girl was like "oh well thats real life, your gonna have bosses worse then your teachers and you cant just ditch work cuz you gotta make money. No ones gonna take care of you in the real world." I dont know if its just me but i dont think that is very helpful. I was like "yeah but you have more control when your an adult" and the chick is like "hell no you have less". I mean she's probably right in most cases, but in some of these particular cases its not really true.

Lots of shit, so i will summarize it.

New musical obsession=The Doors

New favorite class=This art history combo class im taking this semester

Site im currently addicted to= (totally stupid i know)

Shows i started watching (yes, just what i need, more tv)= Skins, Freaks and Geeks, My so called life.

Recently made goal=Befriend the so called "burnouts" because they are not up their own asses like almost everyone else at my school, and they seem funny. Plus some of them dont even do drugs, they just hang out with people you do. (yes kids, those dare commercials you saw are PRETEND! you can be friends with someone who makes different choices then you and you are capable of respecting one and others choices!)

Things i forgot i liked and remembered i liked again=The sound of birds chirping, Hippie dresses, yogurt covered raisins, incense, people with personalitys.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I decided the pilgrims aren't worthy of my time, so i wont tell you guys about how they were assholes, because hardly anyone reads this and i need to get stuff out.

The holidays were good, i dont know why people always complain about them being stressful, i imagine most of those people dont go to school, use birth control or have jobs if thats the most stressful thing they can think of. You just buy shit for people and eat.

But now its January which is the shittiest month next to september, maybe worse in fact. Even though the announcement of the Soundgarden reunion made it less horrible this is still the time of year i get angry and bored of life.

I have lost my motivation in school. I have 4 Bs, 2 B-s and 1 A. Now that sounds good but the thing is the classes im getting the lower grades in are all fucking easy and i should be getting As. I hate those people who get pissed about getting a B and so im actually really confused right now, because now im kind of one of those people, but im also kind of not because those people are all honors, future AP, ivy league aspiring kids. I have a B in math, that is a problem because they put me in a fucking slow math class. Even though thats probably the highest grade in the class that pisses me off because it should be easy for me, because the class is fucking slow. But im just not doing it right. Then Science is easy, i should have taken honors, the only reason i didn't was because i thought this year would be hard and i didnt want to do the internship. English WAS easy because my teacher actually dosnt want us to become suicidal (until today at least) but of course the other person working on the project had to get sick and i have no fucking time left because we spent the last 2 weeks of english doing latin hw. Latin is fucked up because i am unorganized with it and lose everything. And health, health isn't even a real class so that means i should get an A, but i have a B. I guess i got a D on my anti drug project, i have not been explained on why but i am assuming it contained too many facts and not enough scare tactics and propaganda. I worked so fucking hard on that project to, over break actually. I was up til like 2 am the day before it was due and i actually put effort into it. I have had one project this year where my effort had actually payed off, i would have had 2 if english wasnt so fucked up. See the problem is that i need higher grades then most people with my train of thought think they need because of a few reasons.

1. I dont like most people here so i dont do much after school, that apparently pisses colleges off.

2. Peer pressure, fuck! people think peer pressure is all about drugs and shit. At this place i'd much rather have friends who are OCD about smoking weed then school. Its not direct, they are not like "wtf you are not in all honors what is wrong with you?" but its just like "oh i got reccomended for all AP, what about you guys? you didn't oh why not?"

3. I feel out of place is normal/slow level classes, im one of the only white kids normally. Im sorry if thats racist but its true, something about the culture here has white people all up their asses and snobby here. They are like OCD here. Now obviously i have nothing against non white people, its actually nice to be the only white kid sometimes because i think its cool being exposed to diversity, esspecially coming from a private school thats like 95% white/Asian. I just feel awkward. Also the people in regular/slow mostly dont care about school, probably because they are fucking kids who want to hang out with friends and have fun stuff like normal, functioning 15 year olds are supposed to.

Even though some of my friends arn't like all A students they are still taking like 4 AP classes because they are really fucking smart. I cant do that, i cant just go home and start hw and finish it even if it takes me 5 hours, i could last year but not any more. I dont know what the hell is wrong with me, i mean i know im just not school smart but its just like how can everyone else be so motivated and school smart and perfect? I went to a private middle school aren't i supposed to be in all honors like everyone else from the school was? Why cant i figure that shit out? I get pissed off at my friends because i actually wish i could be like them and think they are smarter then me. Im not actually that pissed at them im just pissed at myself. I am so confused and i hate this school. I tried hanging out with not honors kids last year but they kind of just wanted to copy my HW. I mean i let them because thats how society in our school is, even though your not allowed to its like something everyone does and its rude not to. I just hate listening to people talk about how they got recommended for all AP when i'm probably not gonna even take a fucking AP class next year.

Oh and to make things worse my spontaneous increasing interest in boys is killing me because im to insecure for dating, half of the boys in my grade havn't even finished fucking puberty and most of the ones who have are taken. Also most guys like stupid girls with weak personality's and no opinions and im sorry but not everyone can look like fucking megan fox belive me if i could i'd love to because then i'd have shit handed to me and i wouldn't have to worry about any of this shit. Although i'd obviously feel guilty for exploiting and others myself buts thats pretty much what society is all about.

Also my teacher decided to call my mom and now she wont even leave me alone because of this english project thing.

Ok now thats out, good.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Viva student revolution!

At school we always have these stupid ass assemblies about something like how evil drugs are, how if you get stalked on the internet its your fault for using it, how cheating on tests is immoral, etc. They are loud, the sound quality is bad, they only let us sit in half of the place all squished together when the other half is completely empty. And 80% of the time is just the dean yelling at us. We had one last week, and i had a plan to sneak out with someone, at the last minute he backed out, thats fine, its none of my business if others go or not. I thought it could never hurt to just check if any doors were unlocked, and i ended up running into a group of kids looking for unlocked doors, i followed them for about five minutes until i heard a kid shouting "YES!" I ran out. And there were about 70 other kids, and probably another 100 at the other open door. It was cold and rainy outside but i ran for about 4 minutes, then when i felt safe i started walking home, but i went the wrong way....oops

I ended up calling my mom for instructions, and the first thing she said was "when you ditch school it is customary not to call your mom asking for directions" turns out she was more mad at me for going the wrong way than ditching. I ended up in another town eventually, and i probably ended up walking at least 3 miles in total, but eventually i got home. Still before i would have if i stayed.

And you know what the best part was? we won this time. We, the students fucking won. Because so many parents were calling the school saying that their kids had doctors appointments during that time, and so many kids snuck out, and so many people wrote complaining about how pointless it was and so many people couldn't get everything organized that the school announced they will be discontinuing the assembles. Yes kids got in trouble and yes they are trying to track down the people who snuck out so they can get them in trouble, but in the long term we won.

I still cant believe the students actually fucking won. :D

No detentions or anything so far, but on the morning announcements the guy in charge of our school decided to take an extra 3 minutes or so to make us feel guilty. He was talking about how these were supposed to make our school better and special and so and so. And then he started going off topic and quoted Martin Luther King and some holocaust survivor who said something like "you don't know the privileges you have until they are taken away" and i thought that was totally inappropriate because the guy was obviously referring to basic human essentials like food and for him to bring up the holocaust to try to make us feel bad was offensive, especially considering our school has a significant Jewish population (im not sure about any statistics, but im guessing around 15-20% or so of the school is Jewish) and their grandparents or so could have been holocaust survivors. Now nobody listens to the morning announcements, but i did and i asked some other kids if they thought it was inappropriate and they said none of them really listened, so i asked some teachers to clarify what he said (they couldn't actually say what he said was stupid so i asked for clarification to bring the subject up) of course most of them said things like "i didn't hear, i was in the bathroom" but one teacher (special ed, go figure) did admit he thought it was a dumb time to bring that up.

And yeah my Mom is pretty understanding about me hating school and stuff, she knows i am a decent student and i dont ditch class and that i act appropriately when im challenging something so she wasn't to mad because she figured if it was important i wouldn't ditch.

Check back in the next few days for me ranting about how the pilgrims were douche bags :D.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I forgot i had this thing....

I forgot i had a blog

You know what pisses me off? when homework sheets are all like "answer on a seperate sheet of paper" when there is plenty of room on the back or even at the bottom of the page. And then when you answer it on the back teachers get all pissed. I mean how wasteful is that?

Anyways, i thought these where amusing, i dont know if they are real or not.

Friday, September 25, 2009

lots of stuff

My computer has been acting really strange lately, it keeps getting these viruses. My antivirus sucks so i cant remove some of them and it has like 300 cookies and is really slow.i got a new one but i have no idea how to set it up and i don't know how to get my itunes into it. My dad at least figured how to get this one temporarily working.

For the first time in my life i am actually showing some interest in boys. I actually thought i was a lesbian for a while in 7th grade but then i realized i dont like chicks ether. Sadly the guys at my school are mostly douchy and some of them still havn't finished puberty (They are like 15 wtf is taking them so long). I dont think they like me either because when they act douchy i get irritated with them and i dont look like Megan Fox who is apparently like a shrine for teenage boys who are just starting to grow facial hair.

Most of the rocker kids or the artsy kids are juniors and seniors and they smoke before and after school. I know this because when i take the bus i see a bunch of people with like ramones shirts and mohawks or guys with long hair smoking when i am walking to where to bus stops. My friend (or maybe i can refer to her as an ex friend because its impossible to keep in touch with people who you don't have classes/lunch with at my school because its so freaking big) hangs out with them even though she overdoes the whole skater thing, listens to normal pop music, and is convinced she can't wear skirts because it will make her unfeminist or something. I In a way i wish i was older but i am actually scared to death of Junior year with all the tests and stuff. The annoying thing is last year there were some cool sophomores and they told me they liked my AIC shirt and stuff but this year the kids are still like they where last year. I guess my grade is just boring.

Apparently we are supposed to start thinking of colleges now which is strange because that is kind of supposed to be a junior year thing,actually last year they told us to think about in. If i remember right they actually asked me what college i want to go to in 7th grade and i was just like "WTF IM NOT EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL YET!" i bet by the time my generation is having kids they will have have like a college and career guy at the ultrasound thingy saying like "Hmm, i think this looks like a Harvard baby. Ok next is baby #20194572, well this baby should definitely look into applying for university of Wisconsin. Ok and baby number #20194573, well i hate to break it to you ma'am but your baby looks kind of dim, at best he will be able to get into a community college." Its like everyone wants genious babys and you see all this advertisements for things like teaching a 2 year old how to read. My moms sisters were over a couple of months ago and they have like 2-11 year olds and they where like "Oh Laura are your kids on the honor role? Its like we havn't even gotten our my child is an honor student bumper stickers yet its ridiculous. Oh Julie i'm so glad your sending your kids to a catholic school because if they go to a public school they will do drugs and evil things like that." Honestly its so stupid. I feel like i am rebelling against my social class/suburban household just by typing "dont" instead of "don't".

Thats all i feel like typing. 3 day weekend this week so im going to clean out my backpack and go though useless junk i forgot i had in my room.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Schools back

So far none of my teachers seem like complete douche bags actually. Of course you need to give them time before you decide. Its going ok so far, but i forgot my locker combination so i have to carry everything in my back pack and i look like a moron with it. I seem a little more comfortable with myself though, im not really scared of talking to people i don't know very well as much as i was last year. I really hate passing periods though because everyone is crashing into you and shoving you and stuff. That always makes me really nervous.

Anyways, i saw Pearl Jam on the 23rd, which was defiantly one of the best parts of my summer. I tryed to take videos but they looked like ants from where i was and the sound quality on my camera sucks. In fact it said to audio recordings on my ticket so i just did it to see if anyone noticed (no one did). But it was really fun and they where great. I also spend last weekend in Madison Wisconsin, which is defiantly one of the best places in the Midwest. I actually found a good cd store which had some stuff like Babes In Toyland and L7. Then the guy working at the place asked me if i remembered some video from like 1991. I guess i look 30 something to him, maybe its because i was wearing my glasses which makes me look more mature.

But i have decided i need to make another list. I dont know if anyone else gets this but you know that feeling when you hear a song that for some reason makes you like drop what your thinking about and your stomach just feels like its going to sink? Like they are normally sad songs but not always, that just suddenly change your mood. I am going to make a list of songs that do that to me because im stuck at my dads house and there is nothing better to do here.

God Am-Alice In Chains
Backwater-Meat Puppets
You know your Right-Nirvana
Color Bars-Elliott Smith
I believe in symmetry-Bright Eyes
Pennyroyal Tea-Nirvana
Pretty Noose-Soundgarden
Yellow Ledbetter-Pearl Jam
Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns-Mother Love Bone
Desecration Smile-Red Hot Chili Peppers
Society-Eddie Vedder
Nutshell-Alice In Chains
Brother-Alice In Chains
Long Gone Day-Mad Season
A fond Farewell-Elliott Smith
Sludge Factory- Alice In Chains
Old Age-Nirvana
Doll Parts-Hole
No Ceiling-Eddie Vedder
Man of Golden Words-Mother Love Bone
Junk Bond Trader-Elliott Smith
Got me Wrong-Alice In Chains
Butterfly-Screaming Trees
Losing my Religion-R.E.M
St Ives Heaven-Elliott Smith
It all Dies anyways-The Gits
Pretty (Ugly Before)-Elliott Smith
Stargazer-Mother Love Bone
Over the Hills and Far Away-Led Zeppelin
Galaxie-Blind Melon
Angel in the Snow-Elliott Smith
Dollar Bill-Screaming Trees
Danny Callahan-Conor Oberst
Coming Up Roses-Elliott Smith
And the Wind Crys Mary-Jimi Hendrix
Down in A Hole-Alice In Chains

And there are more but im forgetting them. So im just wondering if those songs do that to other people, or any songs for that matter.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Umm, oh yeah LA

LA was pretty cool. I was actually not very into the idea of going there instead of Colorado because i thought it would be really smoggy and full of earthquakes, forest fires, and fake boobs. But it wasn't like that at all.Venice beach was the best. Its great people watching and people go walking around with no shoes on smoking pot freely (even though its technically illegal for non medical purposes.) California is so much more open, like here you cant even get marijuana for medical reasons and gay marriage wasnt even on the ballet or anything. I also find hills and stuff really pretty because we dont have many in the Midwest. We didn't stay very close to the coast so it was really hot. The day we got their it was like 106 degrees F, but the house had good AC (unlike ours, its either really hot or really cold in our house) and there was a pool in the backyard. The first day it was actually so hot that when the pool water splashed onto the cement it made a sizzling noise! Last time it got over 100 hot here for more then like 3 days like 600 people died, but thats because here it gets humid so it dosn't cool down at night (and it feels really gross when its hot out). And the really great part was there where literately no misquotes. In the midwest you can hardly go out from like 6-8:30 pm because of all the misquotes.But i guess its to dry for them there. The funny thing about California is there are health warnings everywhere though, they have these signs at all the restaurants that say "WARNING, FOOD SERVED HERE IS KNOWN TO CAUSE CANCER BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA" because i guess everything causes cancer there. In Hollywood there was a store that sold all band shirts and posters and i got a RHCP shirt and i think my family bought me a Alice In Chains poster for my birthday because they saw me looking at it and then my mom told me not to look at what they where buying. I also like my LA relatives more then most of my Illinois relatives, they are less loud and dont interrupt people as much. They also have more interesting storys about things like evil nuns.

I might post to pictures i took later if i remember, but i do think i put some of them on flickr.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am writing this in advance.

Long time no post. I just got back from LA, Venice beach is awesome! i will write more about that later but when i was making lemonade at 10:30 (i forgot colbert was on, damn time zones)i had the sudden urge to write this. Basically, my school has these things called "formal presentations" where a large amount of your grade (20% i think?) depends on if you are dressed "formally". And that pisses me off....

Why I will not be dressing up for the next “formal presentation”
I will give this to the teacher next time we have a “formal presentation”

Dear future teacher,

First of all I would like to thank you for reading this. A lot of teachers don’t seem to communicate effectively with their students or listen to the suggestions or concerns of their students. I know some teachers probably wouldn’t read something a student wrote explaining why they did not follow a rule. That being said, I am aware that this is a school with no exceptions to the rules. This is a school where a student not doing his or her homework because she or he doesn’t feel like it and a student not doing their homework because their younger sibling got hurt and needs to be taken to a doctor. Do I think that is fair? Of course not, it disgusts me, and if I had been in that situation I would also be attempting to explain it to you. (But luckily I am in a situation where no one I am supposed to be looking out for is in need of immediate medical attention.) Therefore, I do not expect you to give me the points I would have gotten for dressing formally. I just want you to understand that I am not doing this because I am lazy or attempting to be disrespectful, I am doing this because I want to express my views on this. I would also like to inform you that I am writing this in July, before I know who my teachers will be. This is because I find it to be easier for me to write this before I know my teacher, to help avoid feeling guilty, nervous, uncomfortable, or bothersome while writing it. I am not even sure if I will be required to dress formally for a presentation, but I am assuming so because I was told by my freshman English teacher that we will be having formal presentations for all of high school. Now that all of this has been explained I am going to get to the reasons why I didn’t dress up.
The first reason is that it is simply unfair for students who have families that are struggling economically. If students do not own clothing that meet your description of “formal clothes” they will have to buy new clothes. As you probably know we do have a significant amount of families living here that are under the poverty line, and many of the students here are eligible for a free or reduced priced lunch. If students can hardly afford food how do you expect them to be able to gather enough money to buy new clothes? Assignments like formal presentations are a large reason for “the achievement gap.” Students of all economic backgrounds should be given equal opportunity. When I brought this up to a teacher last year I was told if I can afford the clothes then I shouldn’t worry about it, but as someone who personally can afford it I feel like it is unfair for me to be given a better grade because of that.
The second reason I dislike the idea of students being graded on if their clothes are “formal” or not is because you are giving students points based on their appearance. Are teenagers not already too consumed with the way they dress? I understand that students sometimes where clothing that would be distracting. It is reasonable for a teacher to not want his or her students giving a presentation in a shirt with a sexually suggestive image or a gun printed on the shirt. But for us to not even be able to where some non ripped, appropriately fitted jeans is ridicules (I am aware that I do where ripped jeans and unfitted shirts to school, but I was using that as an example.) If students are to concerned about their appearance they will have trouble concentrating on the actual presentation. It also sends out a materialistic message to students. Is society already not materialistic enough?
There are other reasons I dislike the idea of formal presentations, but those are the main two I wanted to express. Once again I am not doing this because I am to lazy to dress up or because I want to be disrespectful. I typically play along with the school system, I normally do my homework, I study for tests, etc. I do this instead of things relevant to my personal interests, which include music, art, social issues, and many other things that go deeper then texting, shopping and cute boys. But I feel like grading kids on the way they dress is just really unnecessary. Anyways, I would like to thank you for reading this.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cause I heard it in the wind,And I saw it in the sky,And I thought it was the end,And I thought it was the 4th of July.

All my friends from school that i like to hang out with (that only being like 3 people)are in summerschool. I need to talk to someone. Yesterday we had a 4th of july party and my mom invited people i don't know which i hate, she always does that. My friends actually came though, mostly just because she is friends with some of their parents. But one of my friends wanted to play with the little neighbor kiddies because they are cute so i had to explain to them why the balls (no not those kinds of balls) had tape with names of celebertys on them. See last year my friends and i named them and raced them down the slide. Jon Stewert was the winner of all the races but my friend kept saying it was johnny depp. So instead of playing with fingerpaint or whatever your supposed to do with children we read the name tags to them and so it ended up being like "Thats Eddie Vedder, Thats Axl Rose, Thats Bush, Thats Stephen Colbert" so now the little kids know how to say Eddie Vedder. It also rained during the parade and i was cold as hell. My brother kept verbally harassing all the people in the parade, like these people had those smelly old cars and he was like "THATS BAD FOR THE ENVIROMENT YOU STUPID BUNGHOLES" did i mention he uses the word bunghole a lot? (He repeats everything from tv. He also likes to sing "Black Hole Sun" now. Even though he hates music, he only listenes to anime theme songs that are annoying as hell. He is probably going to grow up to be one of those weird anime nerds who watches like anime porn.) The republicans and democrats always go in the parade and the republicans are mostly really old. The democrats where not here this time, probably because of the rain (the old republicans had a bus).

Also people would leave the door open during the party so we have tons of bugs now, mice probably got back in to. I have tons of bugbites all over me. My moms friends are to carefree to notice that bugs will eat us.

Now im having my realitives over for dinner again, but mostly only the annoying ones who dont let us discuss the outside world.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mice, Pokemon, and Michael Jackson.

A few days ago i found a mouse in my bathroom and i screamed and my mom and brother and I tryed to get rid of it. But then the mouse walked up near me and i was like "AH NO DONT KILL IT IT'S SOOOOO CUTE!" So we trapped it under and garbage can and it eventually died. The next day my brother kept saying he saw more so we brought my neighbors cat to our house to kill them, the cat was here for two hours and he was more interested in playing with my keys than killing mice so i picked him up and started walking to the door. And then guess what was near the door? A mouse. So i let him chase it and he seemed to think it was a toy, he kept putting it in his mouth, spitting it out, and chasing it and catching it again. Eventually we trapped it under a container and the cat kept trying to get to it. He didn't want to go back home and clawed to the carpet when we tryed to pull him off because he liked watching the mouse. I think he scared them all away.

I found my brothers old gameboy and he let me start a new pokemon game. I am in the hoeen reagon for this game and the starter pokemon are Torchic, Treeko, and Mudkip. I wanted to get a torchic because they are my favorite but my brother made me get a mudkip for some dumb reason. Mudkips are cool to though, for all of you with lack of pokemon knowledge these are the 3.




Also if you hate Pokemon it is most likely because of the dumbass character Ash. He makes simple situations very complex and he is crap at catching and raising Pokemon and is obviously a fraud because

A. His pokemon know more then four attacks
B. His pokemon evolve in the middle of a battle
C. His Pikachus electric attacks effect rock pokemon

In fact if Ash Didn't have his pervert friend who is obviously a weirdo for hanging out with children all the time to help him he would probably be dead. Also Misty is way cooler then all ashes other girlfriends and the show has sucked sense they got rid of her. Team rocket should also win something for there determination. And Pikachu is a fat yellow wombat that Ash has enslaved. Speaking of wombats, apparently they got caused crop circles in Tasmania or something because they were eating the poppys grown and getting high and running around in circles.

And also RIP to Michael Jackson, although i cant say i was ever a fan and during my lifetime he has been known as a creep rather then a pop star. But he was talented.